Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Seminary and Sleepovers are taking their toll!

With Seminary this year, Joe is waking up at 5:20 am five days a week. I found him like this the other morning.
Sleepovers are becoming a regular thing around here and this is a typical situation that I find in the morning. I love this photo-notice Emily's still wearing her necklace from the night before. Also, when I opened the bedroom door the light was still on, so they fell asleep with it shining in their eyes! So nice of Emily to "share" the bed with her pal, Megan. And then there is Sam...I had to throw this photo in with this entry. It's Samantha fooling around with our box of Halloween costumes. She put on a variety of things and came up with this outfit and wore it for the afternoon.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Joe at Homecoming dinner with pals Nick Tice, Mary Meyers, cousin Taylor and Kiersten Thompson.
Joe went to Homecoming with a group of kids mostly from church. No date since he is only 14. Doesn't he look handsome?! He said the best part of the night was hanging out at Brother and Sister Gibbs house. They had the kids over for a fancy dinner first and then had an after party. He didn't say much about the actual Homecoming dance, but I am sure he cut loose on the dance floor and showed off some of his best moves!!
Samantha's first day taking the bus. We work together as a family to walk her to her stop and pick her up too. She is still too little to be there alone and it is not close enough to where we can see her from the house. So, of course, the daycare kiddos get in on it too. We both agreed that it kind of stinks. She is a trooper though and has not missed the bus yet!Field day at Samantha's new school is in the fall...so that was a new experience for us. Here is our "lover of life" having a ball with her Peabody Elementary school mates.
I am way overdue in publishing these posts, but we have been busy and that is a good thing! This is from our trip to Wichita to visit Brad's brother Derek and his family and Brad's sister, Robbin. We love to visit them. Here are the kids swimming at Aunt Robbin's pool. I couldn't resist this shot of Sam on her floatie...
Yikes, Emily is starting to get cleavage!
Joe with his nerd goggles on...
This is th P90X night when Derek and Brad decided to work out together. Look at the sweat stains! I love this shot because for one, the brothers are doing their favorite body building pose and for two, Sam and Grace are in the shot posing with their nylons on their heads. (they were dressed like that for our game of Sardines and wore black so they could hide better! Clever!)

Everyone joined in with their nylons on their heads!
And time for the cool down...
We took a walk to the park by thier house and I took this shot of Emily. She looked so grown up it made me a little sad...

Ready for Sardines!!!
Samantha and cousin Grace...Best buds...always share bathtime when they are together!Joe posing with his new hat that he got at Long John Silver's when we stopped for lunch on the road. That was the first and last time we will ever eat there.