Thursday, July 2, 2009

Summertime so far...

Sam and her friend, Kira, set up a "Fruit Punch Stand" in front of our house. They were very innovative. First, they tried using our cute daycare kids as part of their advertising. We live on a quiet street, so after an hour of no customers, they decided to take their product on the road. They hired Joe and Emily to pull them in our wagon and went all around the nieghborhood yelling "Fruit Punch! Only 25 cents!" I was taking the garbage out to the backyard and heard them on the next street over yelling! It was so cute! Their efforts were a success and they made $3.00 a piece!
The summer Freshman Arapahoe Basketball team proved to be a challenge! There were 3 tournaments that took place this summer against some pretty tough opponents! Joe did great and we love to watch him play. It is surreal watching my little boy play HIGH SCHOOL basketball. This is a shot I took from our back patio of Emily babysitting a neighbor boy. I knew she was babysitting and while I was making my bed I looked out my window and to my surprise saw her there! She sent out a mass email this summer advertising her babysitting services and has been getting lots of calls!

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