Friday, July 8, 2011

To be a Kid Again...Summer Night Games and Youth Conference 2011

Many of the kids summer nights consist of "night games" at our house.  It was especially fun when we had cousins visitng from out of town!  Kick ball at the school.
 Emily Annie
 Megan Tice
 Joe's buddy, Derek Severson
 Samantha faith making scarey face.
 Let's see if I get this spelling right...Yadaira, visiting from Texas.
 Shandolynn visiting from Alaska!

 Joe cool

 Brad got in on the fun...

 Youth Conference at Polson Ranch in Sedalia was nice.  Emily, Megan and Grant decorating their bandanas
 Taylor too
 Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner was one of the favorite activities!

 This is what I did for the majority of the time...hang in my car and reflect on what a great life I have!
 Ellie, Taylor and Ems
 Ems, Taylor, Megan and Ellie

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