Tuesday, December 8, 2009

2nd Annual Christmas Cookie Party

Our Christmas Cookie party started with Brad pushing Samantha's nose into the frosting jar. She kept it there the whole night. Braydon took the first step and cut a cookie and brought it to me...he was so excited to participate!
Samantha and Maddy Tice=goofballs!
Joshua did not waste any time and began the cookie baking process!
How beautiful are these kids!?
Ok-the party has officially started because Levi has arrived...

Maddy and her genius way of transferrring dough to cookie sheet.
First things first, Levi tries the frosting.
Everybody gets busy!
Even the teenage boys take part (for like 2 minutes...)
Emily and her BFF, Megan

Uncle Brad admiring Jacob's decorating (he poured the whole bottle of sprinkles on his cookie!)!

Uncle Brad giving Jacob more sugar...

Then Brad added a drop of frosting to his nose and he was trying to look at it-this is him going cross eyed!

Denice and Braydon Cortez...awwww

Levi and Joe playing the Chipmucks Christmas song over and over and over. We offered to give it to Joci and Tyson to take home but they didn't want it. I can't imagine why? "Me, I want a hula hoop! We can hardly stand to wait, please Christmas don't be late!"
As you can see, Levi was filled with the Christmas cheer!

A wonderful evening filled with the Spirit of Christmas!

1 comment:

Derek and Kristin Acker said...

Oh! how fun! These are the reasons we wished we lived closer!