Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Joe at Homecoming dinner with pals Nick Tice, Mary Meyers, cousin Taylor and Kiersten Thompson.
Joe went to Homecoming with a group of kids mostly from church. No date since he is only 14. Doesn't he look handsome?! He said the best part of the night was hanging out at Brother and Sister Gibbs house. They had the kids over for a fancy dinner first and then had an after party. He didn't say much about the actual Homecoming dance, but I am sure he cut loose on the dance floor and showed off some of his best moves!!


Derek and Kristin Acker said...

soooooo cute!! How fun for them!!!

Stacey said...

Aren't they an adorable group!! And...I am so glad I checked out your blog. Love the music and the page is great!